TMA Complete RTU Bowl & Bath Disinfectant - Qt.

TMA Complete RTU Bowl & Bath Disinfectant - Qt.

Item # 18-2000

  • A neutral disinfectant that can be used on floors, walls, shower stalls, bathtubs and toilets. It is designed for one step cleaning and disinfecting.
  • One-step cleaning and disinfecting of toilet bowls and urinals
  • Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 5 seconds. Green in color with a fresh, clean scent
Qt., 6/cs
Manufacturers Item #108698-L
Pack: 6/CS

Complete has demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on hard, non-porous surfaces. Can be used against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) when used as directed.